How to protect your wordPress website’s images from theft

Image theft is a universal problem that photographers package with frequently. Just lately one of your visitors asked if there is a genuine way to avoid image theft in WordPress. They’re easy to copy and, consequently, steal through right-clicking, screen shotting, Google searching, and site scraping. In this article, we will share some ways to prevent image theft in WordPress powered websites.

1. Disable Right Click

Stealing photos/images from your website/blog is very easy because a visitors can simply right click and select ‘save image as’ to download them. You can disable right click on your website and make it more difficult for an average user to steal your image. Don’t worry here are 2 plugins that you can use to disable right click on images in WordPress.

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is the best responsive WordPress gallery plugin. Here are the features that make Envira Gallery the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress gallery plugin in the market. Envira comes with tons of other features as well. One of these features is image protection.

 WP Content Copy Protection

WP Content Copy Protection is effective plugin that uses an array of aggressive techniques in protecting your online content from being copy. some of the most common content copy methods user using mouse, keyboard and browser, such as right-click, image drag/drop/save, text selection/drag/drop, source code viewing, and keyboard copy shortcut keys such as CTRL-A, C, X, U, S, and P are disabled with this plugin.

2. Disable Hotlinking

there are general way to theft images from websites is by loading them from the original source from servers . The image will load from your servers and will be displayed on third party websites without your permission. here is way how you can disable hotlinking of images from your WordPressw websites.  just add this code into .htaccess file in your WordPress website’s filemanager root directory.


#disable hotlinking of images with forbidden or custom image option
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\.)? [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\.)? [NC]
RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ – [NC,F,L]


Don’t forget to replace with your own webiste or domain name. & this cods blocks hotlinking while still allowing images to be viewed in search results and on your website or blog.


The All In One WP Security & Firewall plugin will help you disable hotlinking on your website.

3. Add copyright notices on your website/blog

Adding a copyright notice to your blog or webiste site can discourage user from stealing images also. You can merely put in a copyright notice to your theme’s footer file in plain text or HTML such as this:

<p>&copy; 20010-2016</p>


Then you can use the Footer Putter plugin to add the notice to the footer of your website so automatically it appears on every page.

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